Why join the Louisiana School Psychological Association (LSPA)?
There are many benefits to being a member of LSPA. The professional community and collaboration found among members and the professional skills developed throughout the year are invaluable.
- Join fellow school psychologists across the state to exchange new ideas and experiences and share your concerns and challenges.
- Strengthen the influence of school psychology at the local, state, and national levels.
- Keep abreast of latest developments through networking and information received from the LSPA newsletter and periodic alerts.
- Receive members reduced rate at the annual professional development conference.
- Establish and be proud of your professional identity as a school psychologist.
Professional Development
- LSPA sponsors workshops in school districts and throughout the state on issues directly related to the practice of school psychology.
- LSPA organizes an annual professional development conference with state and national leaders in school psychology.
- LSPA is an approved provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours for the renewal of the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential. In addition, CPD hours obtained from LSPA sponsored professional development activities are accepted for the continuing education requirements for the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (LSBEP).
Public Relations
- LSPA mails information regarding school psychology to state committees, special education directors, and school superintendents.
- Our website is used to inform individuals about school psychology and provide members with a job listing service.
- LSPA also conducts an annual survey regarding school psychology salaries and job issues. These results are published in the newsletter and have been used in several parts of the state by members to increase their salaries.
Government and Professional Relations
- LSPA provides representation before state legislators, LDOE, and state agencies.
- LSPA Executive Board Members participate in statewide task forces and committees which address issues such as writing the state’s assessment guidelines, reviewing state policies, and responding as designated stakeholders to state education revisions.
- LSPA has gained respect as an organization that works collaboratively with other state associations to promote the profession of school psychology.
National Affiliation
LSPA is the state affiliate of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
Through such affiliation, the state of Louisiana:
- has a recognized forum to provide input and actively participate in national issues.
- is provided with current updates on major issues affecting schools and school psychology, such as IDEA re-authorization, the definition of school psychologists in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and Medicaid reimbursement for providers of school psychological services.
Professional Standards
- LSPA promotes professional standards which ensure that individuals are adequately trained in school psychology.
- School psychology represents a professional specialty where training includes psychological foundations, educational foundations, professional issues and ethics, assessment interventions, and experiential components (practicum internship).
- LSPA provides continuing education opportunities that allow the Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) to meet state license standards.
- LSPA publishes a newsletter four times per year. The newsletter provides information covering innovative practices, questions regarding “best practices,” state and national events, job opportunities, and legislative developments.
- LSPA also mails alerts when the membership must be informed on critical issues.
If you would like to become a member, register at the Quick Link on the Right side of the webpage.